This is my 500th post -- can you believe it? Started wayyy back in 2011 and from February 11, 2011 through November 28. 2022 done 500 posts.
Would like to say over that time I've collected quite the following; but, alas, that has not been the case. To date I've had 94,254 page views. And 364 comments.
Not bad...
Kidding. That's PITIFUL. Definitely not the winning car breaking the ticker-tape at the end of the INDY 500.
Still, I keep at it which begs the question, why?
I view this blog as my personal space, where I get to air my opinions. Since I have ambitions of making movies of the screenplays I've written, and one day completing my epic fantasy series; my creative endeavors dominate what I post here.
This blog really started at a different site, Living the Romantic Comedy which was run and hosted by the one and only, Billy Mernit. I used to post and respond there a lot back when Billy's site was more active. I JUST found the site, it looks as though Billy has consolidated that under a bio website. I think I last searched for that a couple years ago and couldn't find it. Anyway, back when I used to attend the Screenwriting Expos I attended one of the rom-com classes Billy Mernit hosted -- and even gave him a shirt! The guy is a library and wealth of info on that. He fell out of favor with me me when the subject of Bob Dylan came up, and he took a stance that I wasn't on-board with.
Still, no sense dregging up the past, it's just the IDEA for hosting a blog of my own came from him and the GREAT blogsite that Billy Mernit had constructed.
For a while I did my own rom-com posts under the Exploring Issue in Rom-Com Movies sub-heading... But eventually you run out of thing to talk about on that subject. I got up to 70 posts, with the last entry so far in the series entitled, In the Ring. That post from May of 2020 was in celebration of me realizing that as I was editing So Go Back and Get Her, I was participating and adding to the lore of the romantic comedy genre, which is still my movie genre of them all. See Billy Mernit, after all these years we still have something in common!
Not saying the Exploring Issues in Rom-Com Movies series is over; it's just, let's face it, there hasn't been a lot to say about romantic comedies for a long time. I did try to push Taylor Swift to get involved with my romantic comedies, and maybe even The Commune series, but alas, I was never able to make a connection. I recently read Taylor is going to be doing an Era's concert tour in 2023, and recently she's had a couple minor movie roles of her own in Cat (2019). and Amsterdam (2022). So Hollywood and the queen of pop have met. I figure she can now get movie scripts with roles anytime she wants from anyone she want, which leaves me out in the dark as per usuge.
Over the past 12 years I've reviewed a few movies that I liked under the Movies that Move Me banner. But for the most part, I haven't felt the unction to make this a main focus, as I'm more of a content creator than a content evaluator. Now over at Scriptshadow there are lots of users there who really get down and dirty when it comes to movie reviews and the history of cinema issue, but that's really not my jam. I can interface in a limited basis in that, but it's farrr from a passion of mine. That said, if I find a movie I do like, like: Birdman (or the Virtue of Ignorance) [2014 -- can you believe it's been nearly 10 years since that movie cam out?], Planet of the Apes (1968), or Aliens (1986); then I could go on and on about what the filmmaker did right, for I love those three movies. Therein like the rub; love v.s. indifference. Most movies don't rub me as great movies so I don't spend a lot time trying to dissect them. Last GREAT movie I saw was Redeeming Love, and, yes, that movie did make entry #10 in the Movies that Move Me series.
One thing I was curious about was my posting history over the years, so I thought it would be cool to summarize my progress so over the years. So now going backwards from now to the beginning, here's my blog post totals:
- 2022: 20
- 2021: 22
- 2020: 17
- 2019: 16
- 2018: 23
- 2017: 27
- 2016: 55
- 2015: 73
- 2014: 75
- 2013: 78
- 2012: 48
- 2011: 46
What Riggan Thompson is saying here is, E.C.'s written 500 blog posts, people!
So what can you make of those numbers? Hmmm. Probably the "normal" curve to be expected from someone in my situation: an enthusiast who writes with the dream of one day making it big and seeing my work produced for mass consumption. At first the blog was new to me, then I got in grove and had an active series I was pursuing: Exploring Issues in Rom-Com Movies; then I ran out of things to say on that so the numbers dropped off. Moreso, the more posts you make the less territory you have left to talk about so that factors into it to. But recently I started post a little more.
Over the course of these 12 years a lot has happened: First, I noticed a lot of blogs that I used to follow got abandoned. This is understandable due to the tough nature it is to make a sale. I used to frequent a bunch of fellow screenwriters, they were all pre-pros like me, but after a while they stopped blogging. During my blog time the romantic comedy genre really petered out. Now were in outright time where the whole studio movie system may go under. Woke ideology and the Democrat party to blame for these ills. So sad we have a political party in the Democrats that does NOTHING for the American people and our prosperity. Till that changes I thing are just going to go from worse to worse. Also along my tenure was the rise of Amy Schumer. And then of course the China flu which wracked American society and was used as ploy by the Democrats to tighten their aurthortarian grip on political power, the elections, and free speech. Finally, in the summer of 2022, there was me at breaking point where I had to confront my own excesses and deal with the fact I'm an alcoholic.
We are in dark times. I hope that the Lord uses me for His glory in whatever capacity that takes. The truth, is at the end of the day, I'm a Christian. And I'm His. Can't forget that, the most important part: belonging to God . That brings me great joy. Hopefully, that reflects in my posts. Christian first, author and content creator second. At the end of the year I'm slated to explore the American southeast with my mom, brother his wife and two kids: Florida part III+ Georgia and Alabama. Still have my eye on the rapture too. Really getting into the book of Exodus and the parallel's between what was happening then, and the upcoming rapture of the church.
Spoilers: the wokers are going to get their wish, and when God's people are taken from their midst they're going to get to live through the stuff written in the book of Revelation. Abortion, gender confusion, loss of freedoms, corrupting U.S. elections, Ponzi schemes. Democrats -- THAT is your legacy. So sad, because God isn't going to judge favorably on any of the things that wokers and Democrats are striving to achieve.
Better to be on the right side of Jesus, than on the right side of (a Democrat) corrupted history
Still, I don't know when events will take place. So like Jesus instructed the seven churches in Revelation this is a time to hold on to what you have and contend for the faith the best you can. Realize the times we're in; and that in reality all we're waiting for is for the Holy Father to tell his Son that it's time to get His bride (the church). So get some oil in your lamps, and be listening for Lord's call. The time is short, but in the end, God is good.
To infinity (501 posts) and beyond!

E.C. Henry from Kingsport, TN