Shortly after I was saved, the Holy Spirit gave me a series of scriptures. He used a Mexican laborer to impart them to me. This man's name was Aarron Caulderon. He had a family in Mexico and traveled up to the state of Washington for work. Al Sholin, one of two pastors of mine at the time, was ministering to the Mexican community for a while, and that's how I came into contact with Aarron. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit Aarron wrote down a list of scriptures for me. Then a couple years later gave me a few more over the phone.
We had Aarron over for dinner ONCE I think, and I didn't have a lot interactions with him. As a Mexican laborer who worked in the fields -- picking corn--I know he did that. A person like Aarron isn't the kind of guy you'd expect God to use. Yet the outside package doesn't matter when it comes to spiritual usefulness. The empowerment of the Holy Spirit does. Anointing matters. And so because God was using Aarron to speak to me, I treasured those scriptures, laminated them, and keep them in my bible where they still reside today.
I recently turned 55 years. The calendar doesn't lie. Born June 10, 1969 confirms it all. I wanted to have this post up a week BEFORE my birthday, but I've been busy lately and just couldn't wrap it. This is going to be a long post, as I've got a lot of scriptures to cover that the Lord gave to me through His chosen vessel of Aarron Caulderon.
I've read these scripture over the years, and always go into the thinking, what is the Lord trying to tell me about myself, my journey, and relationship with Him and the world through these scriptures. I'll now list these scriptures, which you are free to read for yourself, and post my thoughts on them today, over 30 years later when I first got them. So let's get down to it. Here's what Lord had to say to E.C. Henry BEFORE he officially became E.C. Henry:
Joshua 1: 1-9: God's commission to Joshua calling him to be strong and courageous, follow God's word to have success. Joshua is called to meditate on God's word day and night. God to be with Joshua wherever he goes. Wow, to be compared to Joshua in any way is an honor. This is a call to maturity and leadership. And a promise that once in it, God will be with me! Praise the Lord. What a nice way to encourage someone to higher level of faith.
2Kings 6: 10-17: Elisha the prophet of God surrounded by armies from the king of Aram, yet has the spiritual vision to know that God's spiritual forces are there. This is a section of spiritual enabling allowing a prophet of God to see in the spirit, and using that vision to have confidence in the face of calamity.
Isaiah 40: 21-31: First God's surpassing greatness is brought to mind: He sits above the circle of the Earth, and views Earth's inhabitants like grasshoppers. The Lord created the stars and holds them by His power. So despite our failings we are to wait on the Lord to gain new strength. This is a reminder of God's greatness, and a reminder to wait for His empowering.
Isaiah 41: 8-13: A reminder that God will strengthen me in the midst of dealing with people who are angry with me. At some point they wont even be found anymore. I've already been the beneficiary of this. In the mid 2000s I had a warehouse job where I guy took a disliking to me. He was occultic/Satanic in action and deed. Talked with an altered voice, and was seen driving around where I lived once. Yet, the Lord kept me safe from Mark (sorry I never got his last name). Moving to Tennessee was relief to me, because it meant I was 2,000 miles away from that demonic person.
Daniel 4: 1-3: Nebuchadnezzar: king of the Persian Empire gives praise to God, declaring signs and wonders before he relays a dream of his to Daniel the prophet. This a head-scratching passage. For it shows those who hold God's people can know a little bit about him. I guess it shows that even the highest of the high who are prone to the most heinous of things can in patches honor the Lord -- at least in part. God used the Babylonians to punish Israel for their idolatry over a period of many years. I guess this shows the wild, religious fluxuations of those with great power. Later in chapter 4, Nebuchadnezzar reveals his dream to Daniel, Daniel interprets it, and Nebucadnezzar is then rebuked by a heavenly messenger and given the mind of a cow for a period of time because of his great pride and failure to maintain that praise that he gave the Lord earlier. Once you start praising and honoring the Lord, don't go back to your former forms of ignorance. In light of who the man is here, I think this is cautionary scripture. Humility after speaking well on behalf of the Lord.
Habakkuk 3: 17, 18, 19: In spite of failure and lack of fruit on the tree, I will exalt in the Lord, anyway; for He is the One who leads me to triumph. I take this scripture as a call to praise and trust in the Lord despite how my life looks.
Jeremiah 15: 19, 20, 21: Starts as a call to return and be restored. Then once able to stand before the Lord, the adversaries of Earth wont prevail over me. And the Lord will redeem me from the grasp of the violent. With God's enabling, their is triumph over the biggest and baddest on Earth. Amen!
Ezekiel 3: 1-9: Ezekiel eats a scroll then is sent to the people of Israel. To me this means I'm not called to be a missionary overseas but to read and know God's Word and bring His messages to my countrymen in America.
Psalms 119 (no verses specified, just the psalm as a whole which the longest psalm in the bible with 176 verses!): This psalm is about being resolved to make your heart right so that you can be right standing with God to have Him in your life in a vibrant way.
Isaiah 55 (whole chapter): This is a call to spend time with the Lord. In doing so good things will grow up in place that had been known as waste places before.
John 3: 1-21: This is Jesus's famous discourse with the Pharisee Nicodemus. It's a call to trust Jesus for one's salvation, and come to the light so that your good deeds can be seen as coming from God.
Revelation 3: 11-22: Don't let anyone take your crown from you. I have been identified to be like the church in Laodicea, and Jesus advises me not to cruise through life thinking I don't need anything. Rather I need a fresh anointing to see I'm naked and blind. But the Lord offers to buy from Him, gold refined by fire. If I overcome like Jesus overcame I will get to eat with Jesus and sit down on a throne someday.
Romans 8 (whole chapter): Having and being led by the Holy Spirit sets you free from the law, sin, and death. This is amazing chapter that is a encouragement to live for the Spirit, and not be closed off to that and instead be living for what's carnal. This is probably my favorite book in the bible. :)
Ephesians 1 (whole chapter): God predestinially knows believers, and calls them to be enlightened to know Him, and realize that they have an inheritance in Him. God's power is great and believers in the greatness of Jesus Christ. This is a passage about assurance and trust. I have placed my trust in Jesus, and will someday be in Heaven with Him and others.
Jeremiah 17: 5-10: This is a call to put your trust in the Lord over the schemes of man, and to know that the Lord will test you and reward you according to the results of your deeds. A pretty solemn warning. Yet, if you trust in Lord for the outcome of deeds it's not so harrowing.
James 2:14-26: Faith without works is dead! It's not enough to just claim belief--you gotta act on it. So I'm called to act on my faith and trust to accomplish great exploits to the glory of God the Father.
Revelation 5: 1-14: Reminder that books of great mystery are under the authority of Jesus to uncover and reveal. It's not up to me to crack the codes or make things up. Jesus is the one who knows the living and dead, and is the first One to know about end time judgements.
Jude 1: 1-25: A stern warning to not allow sexual immorality to creep into and taint the faith I've been given. Also not to revile angelic majesties that I don't understand. Rather, I am to stay in the love of God waiting anxiously for the mercy of Jesus Christ unto the day that I inherit eternal life.
Hebrews 4: 1-16: Choose to be one who enters God's rest. Give Him the glory at due, appointed times; and don't fall into crowds of unbelief. Also realize that now you are entering rest as appointed by the Good Sheppard, Jesus.
2Corinthians 3: 1-18: As a believer in Jesus I am to come to the Lord without a veil. The ministry of Jesus is greater than the ministry of Moses, and leads one to be more open with the Lord. Allow Jesus to be your adequacy, and don't rely on past accomplishments. No matter what you achieve in life, be humble enough to know that it is Jesus who allows you intimate access to the Holy Father.
2Corinthians 4: 1-18: Realize that in preaching Christ, His message will be veiled to some; hardships will come. But I am called to look beyond the hardships and realize that that God can cause light to shine through me.
Galatians 1: 1-12: Remember and cling to the original faith you were given, and don't turn to a counterfeit gospel. I originally came from a very free church were people spoke in tongues, and had a genuine love for the Lord.
1Thessalonians 5: 1-28: Be sober in the faith, knowing that day of God's wrath could happen in your lifetime. But God is faithful and will lead you through so be of good cheer through it all, and abstain from every form of evil.
Psalms 120 (whole chapter): The Lord has redeemed you. Though you are for peace, realize that many of the people around you are on a different wavelength are are for war!
Psalms 121 (whole chapter): Look to the Lord for help, and don't rely on help from those on Earth. God will protect me!
Psalms 122 (whole chapter): Be on Israel's side, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Deuteronomy 10: 17-21: God is be your praise. Love all people. The Holy Father is the One who will make my descendants numerous.
1Samuel 3: 3-10: Sometimes it takes repeated attempts to realize that the Lord is speaking to you. But when you sense He is, reply like Samuel was instructed, "Speak, for Your servant is listening."
Proverbs 3: 1-7: Be known for kindness and truth. Acknowledge the Lord in all things, ad do what is required of you in support of the church.
Nahum 1: 3-7: In times of trouble let the Lord be your stronghold, for He knows those who take refuge in Him.
Proverbs 11: 24-25: A call to be generous and not stingy. I'm a saver at heart, but God wants me to be generous like my mom is.
So there it is: who E.C. Henry is in the Spirit. FYI still at this "writing thang". Hoping to complete one new, romantic comedy by the end of the year. Not sure when I'll start screenwriting on that, still working on its characters and developing enough scene to fill-out a feature. Thars, my epic fantasy, continues to be a struggle. Really fighting the spirit of perfectionism on that one. Still, the battle remains, and I remain steadfast in my resolve to finish the 4/5 novels and three script adaptations, one of was already written see my side bar concerning that.
This week the day job want me to work an extra day. Recently bought a pressure washer too. Lots of small, manageable projects to do around our house in Tennessee, so there always something to do.
Will try to post again soon. Till then, stay well -- and thanks for reading my blog!