If you were to name the ONE thing on this planet that you treasure the most, what would that be?
Perhaps that would be actual treasure that explorers seek after an adventure at the bottom of the ocean:
If ruled by one's stomach and a carnal appetite you might choose:
Portillo's Italian Beef sandwich is ALWAYS a treat!
If you find yourself always chasing the best scenery that brings peace to your soul perhaps this --
If you're anything like me, perhaps its a deep, unsatisfied longing for love that makes me prize celebrities as your "treasure":
If you have a creative bend, or consuming hobby, perhaps it's those endeavors that you "treasure" the most: Hey, I hear E.C. Henry is writing an updated version of Indians of the Ancient Plains. I'll bet that's a good one!
Well, if you hold to that opinion, you'd be right!
Hoping to have that updated draft done soon. In fact, today on my day off, I'm SUPPOSED to be working on that right now, but instead I'm writing this blog post...
Then there's always one's heath . For if you don't have good heath it's hard to enjoy much of anything. So maybe that's your "treasure".
Now while I would agree that all of these things are important: a good meal, an inviting environment, an active social life, fun interests that keep your mind engaged, and good health; none are as important as one's spiritual life. Because no matter what hand you've been dealt, you belong to God and will one day be accountable to Him whether you serve or acknowledge Him or not.
This leads me to what I treasure the most, and that's --
Yep, it doesn't get any better than reading the bible . Why? Because in reading the bible we connect with God. The bible is God's written world of what He wanted man to read and study if they were serious about getting to know Him.
Even thought of the bible that way? God's written testimony of what He wants those created in His image to know about Him?
Well, from my perspective that's what the bible is: God's testimony of Himself designed to be what He wants us to know as we live a life of faith.
The Christian faith isn't a blind faith. No, it's based on the testimony and precepts advocated in the bible.
The bible is filled with stories of men and women. Some were "good examples" of what it was like to live a life of faith: Jesus , Abraham, Noah, Moses, David. While others showed examples of people who failed: Cain, the first king of Israel, Saul; Lot's wife, Nebucadnezzer's son, Rehoboam: Soloman's son. So many examples and various ways that people pleased God. And on the other hand, examples of those who made God angry in some capacity.
You can live your life apart from the bible , but I believe you do so to your own peril. God's Word wasn't written for no reason. No, it is the means which God provided for people on Earth to come to know Him. Yes, by reading the bible you can come to know who God is and what His character is like. How many other books can claim that? Hence, God's Word is a treasure. It's MY treasure chest, and from the precepts therein I glean the guiding principals that govern my life. And it all starts with the cornerstone, Jesus Christ . Jesus Christ is my Lord, the One I pledge my allegiance to. The One I want to please the most.
Do I always succeed at pleasing the Lord? Come on, man. Not even Jesus's closest disciples did that, and were around Him all the time.
Faith begins with a love for the Lord. And that's something I can't give you. Hopefully I can provoke you in some way that guides you to the cross and faith and dependence on Jesus. But I can't give you what I have. No, salvation is worked out individually. One-on-one. Inhabitant of Earth to the Creator of all.
Sometimes I get real down on myself for not being a stronger Christian than I am. I got "saved" many years ago (1990), and in those 33 years since have been around some of the finest examples of the faith one could ever hope to be mentored by. I, E.C. Henry, come from good stock.
But no matter where you come from: a good place or a bad one; we are all accountable for what we know. And I believe you will be held accountable if you knew you had access to God's Word but never pursued it to find out what's in it.
Treasure is what's in God's Word .
Why is it treasure?
Because it's the record God chose for us to know Him. Everyone is the called to find there place at the base of the cross, to honor Jesus and be restored into fellowship with God. So no matter what place you are in life, do not neglect to spend time in God's Word . May that grow to be a great treasure in your life.