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Monday, May 15, 2023


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OK, so from what I gather you're either for real, or deeply committed to the bit. What's for certain is that your feelings are hurt. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings.

E.C. Henry

Well, not the response I was expecting, I'll give you that.

I am mad at you. You're a person I don't even know, and without me knowing anything about you, you decided to insult me twice on my blog. As far as "fixing it", I think there is huge disconnect between us.

Why are you even on my blog to begin with?

What are you trying to accomplish?


Why are you so mad? I genuinely don’t know what I did. Is there something I can say to rectify things? I’m sorry.

E.C. Henry

You don't get to talk to like that on my own blog.

Crawl back to whatever hole you came from -- and don't come back!


Trust me, I’m on my own. I found your blog via Scriptshadow. This my own blog for proof: https://thoughtcatalog.com/nicole-mullen/

Now what about you? Is your whole persona an elaborate troll job?

E.C. Henry

I don't buy it, Nicole. First order of business is I need to know what group you're affiliated with. You need to tell me.


I'm using "us" in the majestic plural. And what's your answer to the original question?

E.C. Henry

Hey, Nicole, what do you mean by saying "us"? What group are you affiliated with?


Are you actually a Brooklyn hipster comedian trolling us all?

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