Old people can say the funniest things. I gotta share this with the world, because to my litte warped mind, this is EXTREAMLY funny.
So last week I'm working on staining my parent's house. Got 710 ESPN, Seattle on while I'm working. As you MIGHT remember, that was the week I took off to make house repairs. Anyway, I think it was a Wednesday and I think it was the "Justin and Gee" show that goes from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the late morning show, and they're talking about the Kam Chancellor holdout. I'm not really listening to it, my trying to stain the house, but my 70-year-old dad hears what they're talking about and he exclaims:
You people are worthless.
How funny is that? I didn't provoke him to say that or anything. It came naturally out his mind.
For my money this brings up the subject of how radio can string a subject along so far that after a while it gets boring and annyoying to listen to. I THINK that's where my dad's state of mind was when he listened to Justin and Gee talk about Kam Chancellor's holdout, take calls from listeners and specululate about what it all means. Worthless!
As I've said before--on this very blog no less--I think sport are basically soap oprahs tailored to the interesterests of men. Men like the challenge of being pitted against other men and seing who gets bragging rights for coming out on top. Personally, I love watching sports because I love seeing A-MAZING feats of athleticism (shit that I could never do) while in the midst of team sports competion. I get into sports and talk, but NEVER into fantasy football and stupid shit like that. I like smarter shit if you know what I mean.
You people are worthless!!
Let the indighnment seep into your consciousness, because at some point EXCESSIVE devotion to a sport that someone esle is playing and not you is taking away from you living your life. You can be a fan of teams, just know when its time to stop, pull the plug and get on with your life. Watching Seahawk football is fun, but it shouldn't rule your life.
Personally I think my favorite person on the sports talk airwaves in Jay Mohr, right now. He's an actor/comedian who now has a three hour sports talk radio show that's nationally sydicated and I found on 850 a.m. during the weekdays which I listen to on my way to my 2nd shift job. For the most part Jay Mohr is pretty funny and does a nice job ballancing actual sports talk with the entertainment side of the ledger. My only gripe against him is that he does WAAAY to much self-promotion of what he's doing on the side with his comedy act and other things that Jay promotes. Still, he's different enough that I find him interesting: best thing going in sports talk radio right now, if you asked for my vote. Still love Dave, Danny and Moore on 710 Kiro. They do the late afternoon shift. Also really getting into Dave Grosby these days. At one point, a few years ago when he was at 950, KJR a.m. (710 ESPN's arch rival in the Seattle airwaves) I thought his act had gotten boring and stale. But now I'm really into most things he has to say. Dave Grosby has really well-formed opinions, and does a GREAT job of verbally sparing with other people who don't share his opinions. Anyway, Dave Grosby IS doing a great job now and has reasserted himself as one of the premire sports talk radio guys in the Seattle market.
Best sports talk radio guys in Seattle market:
- Danny O'Neil: this guy came over from the newspaper reporter side, and is KICKING ASS on his show. Great facilitator, AND he can chime in with good opinions and zingers. A smart guy who has learned the art of talking to other people about sports.
- Jim Moore: best colorfull personality in the Seattle sports talk arena. Knows how to playoff his affilcation with the Washington State Cougars very well. Nice wildcard to a traditional sports talk broadcast.
- Dave Grosby: I love the fact that this guy is willing to put opinions out there, and spar with other people over them.
- Bob Rondo, play-by-play announcer for the Univercity of Washington. Underrated radio guy. One of the best play-by-play announcers I've ever heard. He's a homer, but he can still come across as objective too.
Worst guys on radio in the Seattle, sports radio, market:
- Mitch Levy: I think this guy is Jewish, and though I LOVE Jewish people in general, this is one of those annyoing voice Jewish guys. I can't stand the way he annuciates his words. Though Mitch's time with Mike Holgren are really great, and some of his interviews are cool, when Mitch is on his own, and I have to listen to his voice in standalone mode, I'm listening to something else.
- Bob Stelton. This guy has a nice clear voice, but his opinions are aweful and they he explains them/justifies them is a huge turn-off. Watching him on camera once he looked sad and out of place: like he's not even comfortable with himself. It's not like Bob is a boring guy, he just rubs me the wrong way, and I don't enjoy listening to him host or interview other people.
- Steve Raible. Awefull play-by-play announcer of Seattle Seahawk football. Can't stand him, wish they'd fire him and bring in someone like Bob Rondo. Years ago my mom had a run-in with Steve at his hometown and she said he was a snob when she was demoing products in a grocery store. That always stuck in my craw the wrong way, because my mother is an absolute angel, and ANYONE who is mean or snobbish to her has something wrong with him, in my opinion.
- Dave "Softy" Mauller: His stict is like an caffinated chipmunk. He's a bit Husky honk. My problem with Dave Mauller is that his fast-talking way is like an over-agressive fan. For the most part he is devoid of interesting opinions which is his demise. Dave's only real appeal is that he's like an over-agressive fan and is capable of generating a fervor.
- Brock Huard. Nice guy. Was a Husky quarterback back in the mid 90s. Does play-by-play on ESNP for some college games. He's just too vanilla and boring. Even when he tries to ramp it up and get excited it comes across as false to me. The crazy thing is, that I LOVE his brother Damon Huard, who does color commentary on the Univercity of Washington broadcast and occassionally does a stint on the radio as well. Damon Huard was actually in the NFL as a back-up quarterback for a long, long time. There's just something genuine and good about Damon Huard. He doesn't try to be something he's not on the airwaves--and it works!
Worthless. You guys are totally worthless.
No, I don't succumob to the same belief as my dad. Even the guys I sited as "the worst" I DO listen to regularly--I just don't don't enjoy them very much. Yes, after a while it does get boring talking about one player's holdout for more money. BUT watch an NFL game, they are so good these days. A-MAZING players doing amazing things; for me this spawns an interest to go deeper and spend more time basking in the glow of the NFL and to a lesser degree MLB landscape. Start talking about soccer, golf, MMA sports, tennis or ANY women sports and I'll tune out quickly. But the NFL certainly has a place in ol' E.C. Henry's heart, and as such so does sports radio--to a degree.
- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA
P.S. Got the lawn mower shed stained this weekend. Not a lot of writing in. Sorry. Tomorrow I get to read the the contract the company I work at offered the union members I'm a member of. Hoping for the best. Not looking forward to the prospect of a strike.
Lots going on in my life right now. Not bored in the least.
P.S.S. As a footnote Kam Chancellor DID end his holdout and played his first game for the Seahawks earlier today. We beat the Chicago Bears 26-0, but Kam didn't have a major impact. Still nice to have him back.