Got a lot of time off work at the end of the year. Now at the end of 2024 looking back over it, not a lot to report in all honesty.
Right now my Seahawks are playing out the string... just last night the L.A. Rams officially eliminated them from contention with strength of schedule tie-brearker so their final game with them is meaningless. But when you lose back-to-back home games to the Packers and Vikings in all honesty they probably don't deserve to make the playoffs. Going down to Atlanta to see the Seahawks play the Falcons in October was one of the biggest highlights of the year for me. Great game. Seahawks not only won, but were actually fun to watch that afternoon, which was one of the few times of the year I can honestly say that.
2024 SCOREBOARD for E.C. Henry:
2 - New spec. scripts written in 2024
28 - Blog posts written
[January: 3, February: 1, March: 2, April: 1, May: 4, June: 2, July: 2, August: 2, September: 3, October: 1, November: 1, December: 7]
So in looking at this productivity, it's not impressive. Another year, outside of writing two, new original spec. scripts: Night of the Otterroid (Creature Horror) completed in March, and Ya Know What Your Problem Is? (Romantic Comedy) that I completed just before Christmas).
In the end, I'm still an undiscovered writer. :(
JUST starting to ease back into Thars. Hoping to wrap up all work on this epic fantasy series in 2025: 4/5 books, 1/2 screenplays -- already have one done! I've done numerous posts on that on-and-off again project over the years. But I'm determined to made 2025 THE YEAR it finally gets done! Most of the hard work is already done. Right now I'm looking at other on-line sites to "connect with my tribe" and also look into self-publishing options. Yeah, I'm gunna hafta go that route, no publishing company wants to take on unknowns. They ONLY want to deal with established pros, that's true even in the Christian arena.
Did buy the house I'm living at a pressure washer, that should be fun to play with some more in 2025. Did a little pressure washing with it so I know it works.
Projects wise in 2025, I need to see what I can do with the solar panels my mom bought that a contractor left towards the end of. Also need to build reinforcements into a retaining wall and then repaint it all. I also wanna repair the self-drive in a mower that went out, and rebuild a weed wacker that a family friend gave us when we first moved to NE Tennessee. Not excessively big projects, but stuff that needs to get done, and since my younger brother is incapable of doing any of that, the buck falls on me.
Still waiting for the rapture.
Faith-wise, the most immediate need I have is to buy a new daily devotional. In 2024 I read from David Wilkerson, but that's from the early 90s. If I can't find a suitable devotional, I need to read the bible on a more consistent basis. Currently I am in a bible study of the book of Isaiah, but we've been on break since Thanksgiving. If the job continues I hope to continue with a dedicated hour of prayer on Monday mornings at the church I attend, Calvary Church in Boone's Creek.
Not a lot else to report. If another screenplay idea takes hold I'll re-evaluate my writing goals for the year. But as of Monday, December 30th, "the plan" is to pick a self-publishing route, join an epic fantasy site for comraderie, and forge ahead on that front.
Overall, I don't like living in Northeast Tennessee. If my mom were to die, I think I'd cut bait here and move to Florida. The one nice thing about this area is it's just outside of most the hurricane's brunt, and it's got a mild winter. The drawback is the food and culture. The food in NE Tennessee sucks. There is nowhere I want to see out here. I need to get that excitement back in me, used to have that in Washington and when I lived in Idaho in the 90s. But I'm getting older now. In June of 2025 I'll turn 56. Father Time stops for no one! Not that I'm complaining. I thank the Lord all the time for the length of life I've live, I just need a kick. Something besides writing to look forward to. Hopefully 2025 will be better than 2024.
Recently at Scriptshadow, Carson tried to rally support for movies letting his readers post their "top-10" of the year. Here's what E.C. Henry sees that his top movies of 2024 were:
Reagan: the biography of Ronald Reagan was the best movie of the year and the biggest surprise I had at the movies in 2024. Went into it with low expectations, but thought the writers did a good job choosing what the spend the most time with, which was Reagan's growing anti-Communism push to keep Communism out of Hollywood in the early 1960s. Rated: 8 out of 10.

Inside Out 2: Really was impressed by how the main character, the teenage Riley was portrayed as she engaged in league hockey. Rated 7.5 out of 10
Megalopolis: Enjoyed the attempt at the grand by Francis Ford Coppola, but ultimately found that his forced attempt at comparing the old Roman Empire to the America of the near future didn't work. High lofty concepts were bantered about, but ulitimately don't make any sense. Rated 5.5. out of 10
Dune Part II: Another attempt at the grand, but in the end never really cared about the title characters quest. The sand worm spectacle was pretty cool visually, but the story and characters both are lacking. Rated 5 out of 10
Beverly Hills: Axel F: Never really cared if Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) reconcilled his relationship to his estranged daughter. Thought this was an unispired sequel for the most part. Did like the original when it came out many years ago. Never been one to give a movie anything for relying on past nostalgia. Rated 4 out of 10
Joker Foile a Duex: Too much lounge singing and not enough comic book action. Lady Gaga turned in another fine performance, but Joaquin's Arthur Flex is dull and un-engaging. Rated 3.5 out of 10
Alien Romulus: Very derivative film that caniblizes heavily off past past Alien movies. Did like the "Andy" the synthetic, but every other character were ones that you wanted the aliens to eat. Yikes! This series needs to end. Hollywood STOP making Alien movies. Rated 3 out of 10
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga: World-building off Fury Road really doesn't work in this one, nor does Chris Hemsworth "Dementis" character or Anya Taylor Joy's "Furosia". Even the car chases are forggetible. This is another series that Hollywood needs to walk away from. Rated 2 out of 10
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: Some of the background visuals of overgrown cities was cool, but other than that this movie is a complete disaster. Uninteresting apes and culture. Even worse humans! Rated: 1 out of 10.
Nosferatu: Saw this movie a couple days ago. Very GROSS gothic horror on display. At the end of the movie the Nosferatu demon pukes up black blood while having sex with this story's main heroine. There is also a man who goes demonically insane practicing the occult who is sickening in every shot he's in. This is a very poor horror movie with high production value in the care they took to capture 18th century Europe. But in the end the grossness of images shown on screen eclipse all, and make this a movie you wish you've never seen. This is the worst movie I saw in 2024 -- and as you've read, there was more competition for stinker of the year, than Oscar-worthy material. Rated 0 out of 10
As for 2025, the only movies I've got some buzz about is 28 Years Later, which is a zombie horror movie, the Danny Boyle & Alex Garland belated sequel to their horror masterpiece 28 Days Later... which originally came out in 2002. Will probably go see that one when it comes out, but to be honest my interest in horror in waning. Mildly interested in Happy Gilmore 2, as Happy Gillmore from 1996 was one of my favorite comedy, light rom-coms of all-time.

Final and lost words for 2024: glad you're over with. Glad Kamala Harris didn't win the presidency. Hoping for brighter days for America in 2025. Hoping for peace around the word -- especially for those in Ukraine. Realize the best I can do these days is stay strong in the Lord and let Him guide me. My greatest joy continues to be being one of His children. To God be the glory!